Banner Event Newsletter 2

Original TitelThe Sound of Silence
Zutritt16 J
CastPeter Sarsgaard, Rashida Jones, Tony Revolori
RegieMichael Tyburski
ProduktionBen Nabors 2019 Etats-Unis
VerleihGlobal Science Film Festival

- Einzeltickets sind online buchbar
- Festivalpässe (CHF30.-/ermässigt: CHF25.-) erhalten sie an der Kinokasse
- Die ersten 50 Studis der Uni Bern (Reservation über «Ermässigter Eintritt») erhalten mit Vorweis der Legi einen Gratiseintritt.

There are a symphony of almost undetectable sounds that make up a moment of silence, and Peter Lucian (Peter Sarsgaard) is determined to catalogue them all. Through his job as a New York City "house tuner”, the hyper-methodical Peter works meticulously to diagnose the discordant ambient noises – produced by everything from wind patterns to humming electrical appliances – adversely affecting his clients' moods. When he takes on the particularly difficult case of Ellen (Rashida Jones), a lonely woman plagued by chronic exhaustion, Peter finds that the mysteries of the soul may be even greater than the mysteries of sound.